PORTAL is a twin apparition, an exercise in simultaneity that cuts across space, bridging two countries, two cities, two exhibition venues. Happening at once in Prague’s Holešovická šachta and Vienna’s Clubclub, the show(s) run(s) in an odd parallel – a unity which bears the marks of a possible past split, a unity which always remains incomplete, false. Passing through the portal, we thus encounter colours and shapes that feel both alike and different: an entanglement of agents which observe each other from afar, nervously awaiting coalescence


Exhibiting artists: Iris Fabre, Jakub Choma, Ulrike Johannsen, Teuta Jonuzi, Matyáš Maláč, Sebastian Mittl, Viktor Timofeev, Chin Tsao

Curators: Noemi Purkrábková & Daniel Hüttler 

Graphics: realitycongress & ver


With support by: the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, The Municipal district of Prague 7, the Austrian Cultural Forum and the City of Vienna.
It was part of the international gallery co-operative SUMO.


FOTOCREDITS: Daniel Hüttler